In the past, Apple Watch users could install the Telegram app and can send & receive messages directly from their wrist. However, since 2018, Apple has removed Telegram from the App Store for the Apple Watch, meaning you can no longer send or receive text messages directly from the device. The major reasons for the Telegram app not available on Apple Watch is due to low usage and the challenges of providing a seamless experience on a small screen.
This doesn’t mean the service is completely removed from the Apple Watch. You will still receive the Telegram notifications on your watch, but replying or engaging with them requires your phone.
If you want to regain more Telegram functionality on your Apple Watch, you can try third-party apps like Bestgram or Pigeon. These unofficial apps offer additional features, such as sending and receiving messages. However, keep in mind that they come with certain risks, as they are not officially supported by Telegram or Apple. Always exercise caution when using third-party apps.
How to Receive Telegram Notifications on Apple Watch
To receive Telegram notifications on your Apple Watch, you need to make sure your iPhone and Apple Watch are properly configured. Below are the steps to do it.
Turn On Telegram Notifications on iPhone:
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Scroll down and tap on Notifications.
- Find and tap on Telegram.
- Enable the option Allow Notifications.
Check Notification Settings on Your Apple Watch:
- Open the Watch app on your iPhone.
- Scroll down and tap Notifications.
- Find Telegram in the list of apps.
- Select Mirror iPhone Alerts from. This will allow Telegram notifications to show up on your Watch just like they do on your iPhone.
Use Third-Party Apps to Get Telegram on Apple Watch
To use Telegram on your Watch, you can either use the Bestgram or Pigeon app, depending on your preferences.
To start with Bestgram, download and install the Bestgram app on your paired iPhone from the App Store. Once installed, open the application and log in with the Telegram account. Then, head to the App Store on your Apple Watch and download the Bestgram app. Make sure to enable notifications for the app through the Watch app on your iPhone. Now, open the Bestgram app on your Watch, and you can start accessing the Telegram account directly on your wrist.
Alternatively, you can use the Pigeon app, which is compatible with Apple Watches running watchOS 8.0 or higher. Begin by downloading the Pigeon app to your Apple Watch. Open the app, and you need to sign in using either a QR code or your phone number. Once signed in, you’ll be able to access your Telegram account through the Pigeon app on your Watch.
No, since these third-party apps rely on syncing with the Telegram app on your iPhone, you’ll need to have your iPhone nearby for full functionality.
Currently, the Bestgram nor Pigeon doesn’t support making voice or video calls on Telegram via the Watch. You can only send and receive the messages.